Harta Orasului Iasi

Harta Orasului Iasi

  1. Harta Iasi Detaliata

Lista strazilor din Iasi, harta rutiera Iasi, harta principalelor strazi din Iasi. Harta satelit Iasi, harta topografica Iasi, harta Iasi cu imagini din satelit.

700xxx +40 x32 IS Website Iași (:,:; Romanian: ( ); also referred to as Jassy or Iassy) is the second largest city in, and the seat of. Located in the historical region of, Iași has traditionally been one of the leading centres of Romanian social, cultural, academic and artistic life. The city was the capital of the from 1564 to 1859, then of the from 1859 to 1862, and the capital of from 1916 to 1918. Known as The Cultural Capital of Romania, Iași is a symbol in Romanian history. The historian said 'There should be no Romanian who does not know of it'. Still referred to as The Moldavian Capital, Iași is the main economic and business centre of the of Romania.

At the 2011 census, the city proper had a population of 290,422 (making it the fourth in Romania at the time). With 474,035 residents (as of 2015 ), the Iași is the second most populous in Romania (after Bucharest), whereas more than 500,000 people live within its. Home to the and to the, Iași is one of the most important education and research centres of the country, and accommodates over 60,000 students in 5 public universities.

The social and cultural life revolves around the (the oldest in Romania), the, the, the, a famous (the oldest and largest in Romania), the (the oldest in Romania), the high quality cultural centres and festivals, an array of museums, memorial houses, religious and historical monuments. The city is also known as the site of the largest Romanian pilgrimage which takes place each year, in October. In 1640, established the first school in which the Romanian language replaced Greek, and set up a printing press in the ( Monastery of the; built 1635–39). Between 15 September - 27 October 1642, the city hosted the (also referred to as the Council of Jassy). In 1643, the first volume ever printed in was published in Iași.

The city was burned down by the in 1513, by the in 1538, and by troops in 1686. In 1734, it was hit by the. It was through the that the sixth was brought to a close in 1792. A Greek revolutionary manoeuvre and occupation under (Αλέξανδρος Υψηλάντης) and the (Φιλική Εταιρία) (1821, at the beginning of the ) led to the storming of the city by the Turks in 1822. In 1844 a severe fire affected much of the city.

Mid–19th century to 20th century. Union Square Between 1564 and 1859, the city was the capital of Moldavia; then, between 1859 and 1862, both Iași and were de facto capitals of the of Moldavia and Wallachia.

In 1862, when the union of the two principalities was recognised under the name of Romania, the national capital was established in Bucharest. For the loss caused to the city in 1861 by the removal of the seat of government to Bucharest the voted 148,150 to be paid in ten annual instalments, but no payment was ever made.

During, Iași was the capital of a much reduced Romania for two years, following the ' occupation of Bucharest on 6 December 1916. The capital was returned to Bucharest after the defeat of and its allies in November 1918. In November–December 1918 Iași hosted the. Jewish community. (1671) In 1855, Iași was the home of the first-ever -language newspaper, Korot Haitim, and, in 1876, the site of what was arguably the first-ever professional performance, established. The words of, the national anthem of, were written in Iași. Jewish musicians in Iași played an important role as preservers of Yiddish folklore, as performers and composers.

According to the 1930 census, with a population of 34,662 (some 34% of the city's population), Jews were the second largest ethnic group in Iași. There were over 127. After, in 1947, there were about 38,000 Jews living in Iași.

Because of massive emigration to Israel, in 1975 there were about 3,000 Jews living in Iași and four synagogues were active. Currently, Iași has a dwindling Jewish population of ca. 300 to 600 members and two working synagogues, one of which, the 1671, is the in Romania. World War II. Main articles: and In May 1944, the Iași area became the scene of ferocious fighting between Romanian- forces and the advancing and the city was partially destroyed.

The German won a defensive victory at the, near Iași, which was the object of several studies during the. By 20 August, Iași had been taken by Soviet forces. Post-World War II era Iași experienced a major wave of industrialisation, in 1955–1975. During this period of time, it received numerous migrants from rural regions, and the urban area expanded. The saw a growth of 235% in population and 69% in area in Iași; however, the urban planning was sometimes arbitrary and followed by dysfunctions. By 1989, Iași had become highly industrialised, with 108,000 employees (representing 47% of the total workforce) active in 46 large, in various industries: chemical, pharmaceutical, metallurgical, heavy equipment, electronics, textile, food, energy, building materials, furniture. Geography Topography.

Grand Hotel Traian (Union Square), designed and built by Iași features historical monuments, 500-year-old churches and monasteries, contemporary architecture, many of them listed on the. Notable architecture includes the, part of the of, or the neo-Gothic, built on the old ruins of the mediaeval Princely Court of Moldavia. During and the many historical buildings in the old city centre (around Union Square area) were destroyed or demolished, and replaced by buildings and also a new mainly style was built around the Old Market Square (The Central Hall).

The mid-1990s to early-2000s brought the first non-industrial glass buildings (Romtelecom, Hotel Europa), while in 2012, in close proximity to the Palace of Culture, the shopping mall and office complex was inaugurated. See also: Iași is the seat of the, and of the. The city and the surrounding area house more than 10 monasteries and 100 historical churches. Among the oldest is (1491), dating from the reign of, and the is the largest of its kind in Romania. The, a unique monument, considered to be an architectural masterpiece, was erected in 1635–1639 by Vasile Lupu, and adorned with gilded carvings on its outer walls and twin towers.

George Church (Old Metropolitan Cathedral) Pilgrimage The city has become a major Christian pilgrimage site since the. In 1641, the relics of were brought to Iași.

Each year, around 14 October, hundreds of thousands of pilgrims gather to commemorate Saint Parascheva, while the city itself established its Celebration Days at the same time. The October pilgrimage is one of the largest in Europe, drawing people all over Romania as well as from neighboring Orthodox countries. During the entire year, pilgrimages to Iași can also involve visits to a large number of religious sites, both within and around the city. Gardens, parks and natural landmarks. 's statue and his Linden Tree in Begun in 1833, at the time when Iași was the capital of, by Prince and under the plans of Gheorghe Asachi and Mihail Singurov, was integrated into the city and marks one of the first Romanian coordinated public parks.

Harta orasului iasi pe cartiere

The oldest monument in Romania stands in the middle of the park, the (1834), a 13.5 m (44.29 ) tall, dedicated to the, the first law on political, administrative and juridical organisation in Romanian Principalities. Founded in 1856, the, the first botanical garden in Romania, has an area of over 100 hectares, and more than 10,000 species of plants.

Was opened in 1923 and built under the co-ordination of the architect. The, located in the north-eastern part of Iași, consists of parkland and four lakes. (: Teiul lui Eminescu) is a 500-year-old silver lime ( Tilia tomentosa Moench) situated in.

Reportedly wrote some of his best works underneath this lime, rendering the tree one of Romania's most important and a notable Iași landmark. The, in Bucium neighbourhood, is another spot where Mihai Eminescu sought inspiration (the poem 'Down Where the Lonely Poplars Grow'). In 1973, the 15 white poplars still left (with the age ranges between 233 and 371 years) were declared natural monuments. Iași County has 387 centuries-old trees, of which 224 were declared monument trees and 160 got the 's approval and are proposed for such a classification. Most of them are oak or linden trees. The oldest tree in the county is the 675-year-old hybrid lime tree located in the courtyard of, in the vicinity of Iași.

When the lime was about 57 years old and about 14 cm (5.5 in) in diameter, Iași was mentioned as an urban settlement, during the reign of Prince (1408). Demographics Historical population Year Pop. ±% 18th century 30,000 — 1831 59,880 +99.6% 1851 70,000 +16.9% 1859 65,745 −6.1% 1900 78,067 +18.7% 1912 75,229 −3.6% 1930 102,872 +36.7% 1948 96,075 −6.6% 1956 112,977 +17.6% 1966 161,023 +42.5% 1977 265,002 +64.6% 1992 344,425 +30.0% 2002 320,888 −6.8% 2011 290,422 −9.5% Sources: 18th century, 1831, 1859:, 1851:, 1900:, 1912 Census:, 1930–2011:. Today Iași City Hall As of 1 January 2016, Iași is the country's second most populous city after with 362,142 residents within the city limits, and with a population of 465,477 residents, the Iași is also the second largest in Romania.

At the, Iași was the fourth most populous with a population of 290,422. The (which includes Iași and 13 other nearby communities) had a population of 382,484, while, with its 772,348 inhabitants, was the in Romania (after the Municipality of Bucharest). Additionally there were 60,000 more residents (mostly students) and thousands of daily commuters.

According to the 2002 census, in Iași there were 109,357 housing units and 320,888 people living within the city proper. Of this population, 98.5% were ethnic, while 0.59% were ethnic, 0.13%, 0.13%, 0.13%, 0.08%, 0.05% and 0.39% others. In terms of religion, 92.5% of the population were, 4.9%, other religious groups 2.6%. There are currently almost 10,000 Roman Catholics living in Iași. There is a debate between historians as to whether the Catholics are originally of Romanian or Hungarian descent.

Shopping mall and business centre Iași is an important economic centre in Romania. The local and regional economy relies on and institutions and establishments. The most important service sectors are related to education, health care, banking, research, culture, government and tourism. The city is an important sector centre, with the presence of several large multinational companies (, ) and many other local and foreign companies such as, or (to name a few), as well as two universities which offer specific degree programs. Industry forecasts expect the Iași ITC workforce to grow from the current 16,000 (end of 2016) employees to more than 33,000, by 2030. An estimated workforce of more than 35,000 employees is active in Iași's sector, particularly in automotive (, Tess Conex), pharmaceutical industry (, Fiterman Pharma, Ircon SRL), metallurgical production (, Technosteel LBR), aerospace , industrial equipment (Agmus, ASAM, Fortus), energy (, ), textiles and clothing (, Iași Conf, Iașitex), home appliances (Tehnoton), building materials (Brikston, Build Corp), food (Compan, Panifcom, Zeelandia). Located in an area recognised for its vineyards and wines, Iași is part of a traditional with viticultural centres surrounding the city: Copou, Bucium, Uricani, Comarna, Plugari, and Probota.

Iași County is also home to renowned and vineyards. With large shopping malls and commercial centres located in the area, Iași also has a well-developed business. Largest employers Top 10 Employers Company Industry Employees Sf. Spiridon University Hospital Health care 2,944 High education 2,021 IT services 1,876 Automotive industry 1,724 High education 1,710 Automotive Engineering 1,600 Pharmaceutical industry 1,458 Public transport 1,349 St. Maria Clinic Children's Hospital Health care 1,256 High Education 1,230 Sources: Culture.

Harta Iasi Detaliata

Alecu Balș House, where performed in 1847, nowadays Major events in the political and cultural history of Moldavia are connected with the name of the city of Iași. The great scholars of the 17th century, and later, wrote most of their works in the city or not far from it and the famous scholar known throughout all Europe also linked his name to the capital of Moldavia. The first newspaper in Romanian language was published in 1829 in Iași and it is in Iași where, in 1867, appeared under literary society, the review in which ’s and the best poems by were published. The reviews and appeared in 1871, respectively in 1906 with great contributions to promoting Romanian national cultural values.

Many great personalities of Romanian culture are connected to Iași: the chronicler, the historians and politicians and, the poets and, the writers, and, the literary critic, the historian, the philosophers and, the sociologist, the geographer and the painter, only to name a few. Theatres and orchestras. Mihai Codreanu Memorial House Iași is home to many museums, memorial houses, art galleries. First memorial museum from Romania opened in Iași in 1918, as the Memorial House, and today the owns fourteen memorial houses. The Museum, situated in, is dedicated to the great poet’s life and creation; other museums are dedicated to:,. The, opened in 1976, at the celebration of 160 years since the first theatrical performance in Romanian, illustrates the development of the theatrical phenomenon since the beginning, important moments of the history of Iași National Theatre, the foundation, in 1840, of the Philharmonic-dramatic Conservatoire, prestigious figures that have contributed to the development of the Romanian theatre. The, includes original pieces and documents which belonged to prince and his family.

The, founded on 4 February 1834, is the first museum of this kind in Romania with over 300,000 items, the most valuable being the collections of insects, mollusc, amphibians, reptiles, birds, plants and minerals. French Institute in Iași Iași hosts six cultural centres:, &,. The first institute of higher learning that functioned on the territory of Romania was (1640) founded by Prince as a 'higher school for Latin and Slavonic languages', followed by the in 1707. The first high education structure in was established in the autumn of 1813, when engineer laid the foundations of a class of engineers, its activities taking place within the Princely Academy.

After 1813, other moments marked the development of higher education in Romanian language, regarding both and the technical science. In 1835, founded by is considered first Romanian superior institute in the country. situated in Copou, is the oldest higher education institution in Romania;.

– the school with the oldest engineering tradition in Romania;. – one of the oldest medicine schools in Romania;. – the oldest tradition in music and arts education in Romania;. – one of the oldest schools of its kind.

There are also some private higher education institutions including, the largest private university in the historical region of Moldavia. The, where the chief records of Romanian history are preserved, is the oldest and the second largest in Romania. As of 2016, Iași has 74, coordinated by the. The city is also home to 19 private schools. Notable high schools:. (1828). (1895).

(1865). (1855) is a week long festival organised every year in April (starting 2013) for high school and grade school students to get be able to observe and take part in scientific experiments and be given detailed tours of the scientific and technical universities and research labs in Iași. Over 200 experiments were performed and over 10,000 students took part in the 2014 edition, from throughout the Moldavia region. Iași- railway was opened on 1 June  20 May 1870, Iași- on 1 August 1874 and Iași- railway was opened on 1 June 1875 by the in preparation for the. Nowadays, three railway stations, and serve the city and are operated by (CFR).

Also serves these stations for travel into. The Great Railway Station, located about 1 km (0.6 mi) from the city centre, provides direct rail connections to all the major Romanian cities and to.

The rail stations are very well connected to all the parts of the city by the and of the local public transport companies. Road Iași is connected by European routes E583/ with through a four lane road, by with Central Europe and in, and by with all major cities of Romania. A planned would connect the city to the. The Iași Coach Station is used by several private transport companies to provide connections from Iași to a large number of locations from all over the country. Health care Iași is home to at least 15 hospitals, including the, the second largest and one of the oldest in Romania (1755), St.

Maria Clinic Children's Hospital, Institute of Cardiovascular Diseases, Regional Oncology Institute, and (1905 – first psychiatric hospital in Romania). Air pollution concerns Iași has the second-worse air quality in Romania, after. In 2014, the started environmental law against Romania, citing Bucharest, Iași, and cases as examples. In 2015, has repeatedly reached and exceeded legal thresholds for PM 10. Pollution from vehicular traffic, construction works, and a lack of green spaces (the city only has about 11 m 2 (118 sq ft) of public green spaces per capita) make up some of the reasons behind these problems. Monuments and history.

Harta Orasului Iasi

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Harta Orasului Iasi